【活動宣傳】2022 BioCAS pre-conference workshop
【2022 BioCAS pre-conference workshop】Online registration is now open!
The innovation and development of various industries has significantly risen with the rapid development of artificial intelligence, internet of things technology, and engineering applications. Particularly within the medical care industry, it’s enabled services to reach beyond the scope of the hospital walls - constructing patient-oriented, precise health mechanisms and establishing brand new health service models.
After a nine year long hiatus, the premier international symposium 2022 IEEE BioCAS will be held on October 13 (Taiwan Time). On October 12, a BioCAS pre-conference workshop has been arranged in Tainan as a warm-up and international exchange. The theme will focus on neuro engineering and explore the key trend of future technology development - Brain-Interface CAS. International and Domestic speakers and scholars have been invited to speak on topics such as systems, circuits, technologies and related applications. The objective is to allow conference participants additional opportunities to communicate and interact with experts and scholars.
The integration of artificial intelligence to provide personalized and precise healthcare not only improves the past but also is a “golden key” in opening up a new era of science! The latest international development trends will be conveyed to domestic industries, academic and research units. Researchers, scholars and other relevant persons attending the conference will have the opportunity to build bridges for international cooperation with experts and scholars from various countries.
Event date & time:OCT 12, 2022(Wed)9:00-13:40
Ways to attend:online/in person
Venue:National Cheng Kung University International Conference Hall, Lecture Room 1(Kuang Fu Campus, 1 University Rd. Tainan City, East District)
Official Website:https://2022biocas-preworkshop.csie.ncku.edu.tw/
Cost:Free of charge(for non-poster presenters)
ign up:https://www.accupass.com/event/2209220237519776863490
event contact:11106016@gs.ncku.edu.tw